Muslims with others in Europe
The rise of exclusive and violent ideologies in Europe paints the picture of Europe as a space exclusive to only one of Europe’s individual identities. History is interpreted only through the experience of wars and conflicts. Increasingly often, messages sent in the European public space indicate that Islam and Muslims do not belong to Europe. Ideologies based on black-and-white worldviews which perceive the past and the future only through the prism of the clash of civilizations are on the rise. These ideologies are founded in fear of that which is different and unknown. Learning about the Other (regardless of what that otherness is based on) and taking a critical approach to history and the present can decrease tensions and help portray Europe as a meeting point of diverse identities, rather than a point of conflict, and Bosnia and Herzegovina can be the paradigm of those relations. Europe can be seen through a historical perspective which does not rest on conflict but on peaceful coexistence and interaction between different ethnic, religious and other groups, cultures and civilizations.
The aim is to teach young people that Europe rests on the wealth of diversity and that openness, peaceful coexistence, pluralism and tolerance are basic European values. European civilization, like all other civilizations of the world, is based on the interaction of nations, cultures, and religions. Throughout history, Europe has testified to peaceful coexistence of different national, religious and other identities. Migrations and movement of labor force led to intense encounters and periods of coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims in Andalusia, Sicily, the Balkans and Western Europe. Apart from autochthonous European Muslims, such as Bosniaks, there are also migrant Muslim communities in Europe which have shown, in the spirit of the idea of multiple identities, that one can be both Muslim and European. European values match universal religious values shared by Muslims and non-Muslims. Europe values religious freedoms as well as all other types of freedom of opinion, and individual and collective rights of every individual and community. It is therefore important to point out that diversity should be valued as a form of wealth, and teach about the benefits of living with diversity.
The aim is to teach young people that Europe rests on the wealth of diversity and that openness, peaceful coexistence, pluralism and tolerance are basic European values. European civilization, like all other civilizations of the world, is based on the interaction of nations, cultures, and religions. Throughout history, Europe has testified to peaceful coexistence of different national, religious and other identities. Migrations and movement of labor force led to intense encounters and periods of coexistence of Muslims and non-Muslims in Andalusia, Sicily, the Balkans and Western Europe. Apart from autochthonous European Muslims, such as Bosniaks, there are also migrant Muslim communities in Europe which have shown, in the spirit of the idea of multiple identities, that one can be both Muslim and European. European values match universal religious values shared by Muslims and non-Muslims. Europe values religious freedoms as well as all other types of freedom of opinion, and individual and collective rights of every individual and community. It is therefore important to point out that diversity should be valued as a form of wealth, and teach about the benefits of living with diversity.